
To Your Health Sprouted Flour Co.





May is a SPROUTASTIC! time to let you know that To Your Health’s $1.00 Shipping Campaign starts now and runs through July 31st! Three whole months to stock up on all your favorite sprouted organic products. Just in time for Mother’s Day or any occasion you may be celebrating, we want to celebrate you!


I had the opportunity to attend the American Pulse Association’s conference in Austin, Texas last week and talk about the benefits of sprouted pulses, legumes, and beans. This is a great group of growers and experts with lots of information about pulse nutrition and how to prepare them for great plant-based meals and dishes (www.pulses.org). Our recipes this month will feature some tasty dishes made from our sprouted pulses. I hope you enjoy them and happy baking!






Since pulses are being featured in this month’s recipes, here are some tips for substituting them in your favorite recipes to reduce calories and fat, and add fiber, protein, folate and iron.


TACOS: Replace ½ or all shredded pork or hamburger with cooked sprouted lentils.
LASAGNA: Replace ½ or all ricotta cheese with pureed cannellini or sprouted navy beans.
MUFFINS: Replace up to ½ of flour with sprouted garbanzo bean flour.
CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES: Replace ½ or all oil with sprouted lentil puree.
BROWNIES: Replace 1 cup of flour with 16 oz. pureed sprouted black beans, cooked and drained.
SANDWICH SPREAD: Replace mayonnaise with sprouted hummus.
BANANA BREAD: Replace ½ or all butter with sprouted navy bean puree.



There's still time to enter our recipe contest.


​Share your favorite original sprouted recipe on Instagram and tag @sproutedflour to enter. Not an Instagram user? No problem! You can enter on our website. The winner will receive a $30 HealthyFlour.com gift card, and their recipe will be featured on HealthyFlour.com!
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